frontgraphiccropped2Welcome to Peter Perry Insurance Agency Ltd.’s official website: your top choice for a London, Ontario-based certified and award-winning independent insurance and investment brokerage.

We are dedicated to client satisfaction and providing the “best rates” for the “best advice.” Guaranteed.

Our founder Peter Perry is a highly experienced professional financial advisor with a deep understanding of how one’s personal money management can affect one’s relationships & overall health and fitness.

In business since 1978, Peter’s remarkable talent for customizing financial portfolios according to a given client’s particular situation, coupled with his commitment to client well-being has earned him recognition at national conferences and among his colleagues, alike.

Peter Perry Insurance Agency Ltd. is not just a “business” about “family and life planning” however. We are also a family-run business.

Equipped with dual Hons. degrees in Social Psychology and Public Relations, along with a decade’s worth of experience working as a successful artistic manager, Peter’s daughter, Rose, heads the administrative and marketing division.

Throughout its 37 years of business, Peter Perry Insurance Agency Ltd. has received countless accolades for “excellence” in terms of professionalism, quality, sales and client retention.

We invite you to learn more by checking out our Company Background.
